Usually I am too shy and scared to publish private photos and info.
But let me do an exception today.
Today is our wedding anniversary.
Nine years ago, on September 30, 2000, I arrived with the above water taxi at the island of Torcello. Torcello is the oldest island in the lagoon of Venice. Unfortunately the weather changed over night and it rained cats and dogs.
"Aqua alta" (high water) urged me to make a big jump with my tight wedding dress before reaching the church.
This was the most scariest step I did that day.
In Italy they say : "matrimonio bagnato, matrimonio fortunato"
(wet wedding, happy wedding)
That's is probably one of the reasons our marriage is still happy.
The above photo is not the best photo in our album, but my favorite.
Today is not only my wedding anniverary - but also my father's birthday.
He walked me down the aile. Happy Birthday !
Oh, and while the guests where waiting for the bride in front of the church, my single German girl friend met my future husband's 4th degree Italian cousin, single as well at that time. The group pictures prove that they met early that day.
Needless to say that today they are happily married with a cute daughter.
And that's it.
Since here I am married !
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