Finalmente we got the long awaited drawings of our doors. Okay, after all the pictures we had I could have done it myself, but our architetto kept promising to do it for us.
And I am glad he did it. When it is visualized it is easier to imagine and to decide.
We, in the family, agreed on the design. But we have not decided yet whether we will have the borchie in ottone, the brazen bullen nails, on all three doors or only on the main door.
And when I started the discussion with my husband, who translated ottone first into the wrong German term - thanks to LEO I found the correct one, 'Messing', brass, I saw that there is not only the question about how many doors we do in that style but also:
Is brass the right material? I don't want it too shiny, non mi piace troppo lucido, maybe it is possible to have it more dark ...
....like in this door below:

or maybe also like this door, which seems to have brazen bullen nails:

I will email with our architect to ask his opinion and meanwhile I invite you for another voting! On the blog roll on the right (remark: if it is not there, then it is because of technical problems, sorry, please send instead your comment below, I try to fix it):
A: All three doors with decorative bullen nails
B: Only the main door gets the nails ?
FYI, the far left door leads to the guest apartment, the far right door is kind of a back entrance that leads to the kitchen through a storage room.
And here one more time the front view of the house to support the decision making:

Thanks for your help and once more Happy New Year , Buon Anno!
Above drawings copyright by Architetto Pino Pitt, Pizzo
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