Job offer: wedding planner in Pizzo for American couple that speaks Italian!
There seems no such word in Italian language. I found "organizzatore di matrimoni". In Italy (and rest of Europe) it is not as popular to use a wedding planner as it is in America.
But a young American couple wants to tie the knot in the castello Murat in Pizzo Calabro! And they need some help! Pizzitani, do you remember the movie "The Wedding Planner" with J.Lo who falls in love with the guy who's wedding she is organizing? So, the job of a wedding planner is basically helping through all the hassle of organizing a wedding (and not to fall in love with the groom!).
Again in Italian language: Cerciamo un(a) organizzatore di matrimoni, qualcuno che progetta un matrimonio - che coordina il caterer, la musica, gli fiori, il posto per la cerimonia, il transporto etc.
So, is there somebody out there in Pizzo who want to start a new business? Or somebody who has experience in weddings? This could be your trial wedding that you can use as future reference for future customers. This could be a side job for a talented organizer.

Here are some more details about the sposi, the bride and the groom:
Erica and her fiancé Andrea (Andy) recently spent their holidays in Calabria and felt in love with Pizzo. They are both American living in Dallas. However, Andrea's parents are from Lamezia. Erica and Andrea like to get married in the castle, il castello Murat. They need help to organize a wedding in oversea, and they found my blog and asked me if I would know somebody. I would love to help, but I am not yet living in Pizzo.
They would like to get married on April 18, 2009. And they will probably come to Pizzo a few days before the wedding. From a wedding planner they would need flowers, music, transportation, chairs, possibly give-aways (bomboniere), etc. They might bring the printed stuff with them and Erica thinks the hotel will do the menus. The reception and dinner will be at the Hotel Marinella, about 5 minutes drive north of downtown Pizzo. They plan to invite about 100 guests to their wedding in Pizzo.
They have talked to a signora in the castle via email, in Italian, as they both are fluent in Italian (that makes me think, Erica, that you could translate this blog post in Italian, as a you could communicate with the wedding planner in spe in Italian, right?).
Here an extract from Erica's email in Italian:
"Vorremmo sposarci al castello con piu o meno 100 ospiti. Vorremmo usare il cortile per la cerimonia, ma se piovesse, la sala dei giudici. Dopo la cerimonia, vorremmo servire cocktail o spumante mentre gli ospiti visitano il castello e il gruppo di matrimonio (la sposa, il sposo, le damigelle, ecc) fanno le foto al castello. E’ disponibile il 18 aprile 2009? Se no, il 25?"
However, they have no answer from the castle yet, although they need to plan vacation and invitations one year ahead. This would be another task for the wedding planner: to get in contact with the castle.
Picture Source: I took the two pictures above last year outside the castle and you might recognize a bride and a groom. She is wearing a white wedding dress and he is wearing some uniform which is quiet common in Italy.
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